Optimize business process through Integration

Customer Stories

We have number of successful customer stories that you may be interested to look at:


The Warehouse Group


Unity IT is currently engaged by The Warehouse Group (TWG) as one of its consulting partners, specializing in customer engagement, developing integration solutions in the loyalty and payment domain, and leading the Integration automating testing practice.  



Friday Solutions Ltd is an NZ owned consultancy company, focusing on delivering global solutions for NZ enterprise companies, using Oracle products. Unity IT is a service provider of Friday Solutions, providing integration resources for business analysis and Oracle SOA development. Friday Solutions Ltd is an Oracle golden partner.

Diamond on Richmond

Diamond on Richmond (DoR) is a family-owned business in Auckland, NZ at fine jewelry production and trading. Currently, the production quotation process involves a large number of manual works and is extremely time-consuming. Therefore DoR looks for a solution that can help them to optimise this business process and with a vision to extend this business function via digital channels in the future. Through OneHQ referral, DoR has engaged UnityIT to initiate a business process optimization exercise. This involves capturing the current process, provide advisory and propose a solution, and document the future IT implementation road map. The primary objective of this project is to find a solution that improves efficiency (in terms of time) for the DoR product quoting process and minimize human involvement. Currently, the design and analysis phase is completed and Unity IT is working towards the implementation and delivery of this solution.




Founded by some of the New Zealand most prominent and successful entrepreneurs, OneHQ is an integrated businesses services provider with a mission to strip away the struggles smaller companies commonly face. OneHQ's unique suite of services and expertise enable the company to asses a client's business, develop optimal businesses strategies, optimise existing business structures and processes, manage the day-to-day priorities of a business and drive a cohesive business growth plan.

Focusing on financial, accounting and IT support services for NZ small-medium enterprises. In order to maintain customer data across different business domains, OneHQ looks for a solution that can help them build a scalable solution to synchronize their customer data into a centralized place so that business information can be shared amount multiple IT systems. OneHQ internal staff can also monitor and maintain critical business information easily. UnityIT was engaged to design, architecture, and implement this solution by introducing an enterprise integration platform, using Dell Boomi. In addition, the Dell Boomi Master Data Management (MDM) is introduced to maintain customer data integrity and stewardship. This project has gone live into Production in May 2019.   
